Course Requirements

2016 Course Requirements


COURSE (not CLASS) participation is a major component of your grade.  That includes discussions with the teaching team, talking in class, and/or anything else you do that indicates you’ve given thought to course themes or material.

Your actual class participation (i.e. talking in class) is determined by you talking in class.  Anything else you do that shows interaction with the subject material (follow up from reading responses, asking questions via email or before or after class, etc) can only serve to increase your course participation grade.

Please note:  It is not necessary to speak in class to get a “good” grade.  For a student perspective, please ask any of the ULAs, all of whom have taken 183 and did well.  That said, if in doubt, try to contribute.  There are many opportunities to do so.


Five reading responses.  (The lowest will be dropped.)


Deadlines – TBD shortly.

Reading responses should be approximately two pages long, reacting to or otherwise making use of the course material (as explained in class).  Reading responses are submitted by emailing them to

The following guidelines apply:

1) You may not write two reading responses in a single week.

2) Reading responses on a particular subject must be turned in no later than 11:00 AM on the day of the class that covers that subject.


The midterm will be given out in class on [TBD].  It will be a take-home — distributed in-class on Wednesday and due by Sunday, [TBD]. You should not need more than four hours to take the exam — we are giving you multiple days because we understand that scheduling a single four-hour block that would be convenient for all students is impossible. The midterm is open notes, open course materials, open internet, open google. (“Phone-a-Friend” “Voip-A-Friend” “gChat-a-Friend” et seq. are not appropriate.) There will be a word limit.


Each student must submit a write up of his or her contributions to the class project.  It need not be long — simply detailing what you did.


You should plan to work on a group project with others.

In the event you truly cannot think of a project, there will be a (very hard) final.


Course Participation + Class Project – 25%
Reading Responses – 25%
Midterm – 25%
Final Project – 25%

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